Steven Jermaine Jones

Transparent (Painting)

Steven Jermaine Jones
Transparent (Painting)


by Whitney House

Website: IG: TheCreativeEra

Whitney House painting late fee magazine main.jpg

Often I hear people say “Lead By Example” however it’s false advertising. Many individuals are not living in the identity they speak about. As of recent I have been on a journey of self love and self care. Which haven’t been easy but it’s necessary in order to fulfill my purpose. Which is to share my stories and testimonies, in hope that others hear it and feel the need to change. With this particular piece of art, I created it to symbolize that changes can be messy but beautiful. The quote “ Be The Change You Want See” is the motto I stand by. Change always starts within!

A Jamaican born, African American, Lifestyle Fashion Photographer based in Washington D.C. I love to create art with my camera. It never leaves my side. I love to create art with my words. Love. Live. Beautifully.