Self-Portrait: "Within , I smile"
Journal Entry: 3/20/2018
Within , I smile
I am living in peace, despite everything that is going on around me.
I am love.
And love is acceptance.
Acceptance of what I can’t necessarily change.
Acceptance of life lessons.
Knowing and valuing that my worth is beautiful.
I am forgiveness.
Forgiveness to even the ones that have hurt me.
Or to the “why did this happen to me” type moments.
I forgive and I thank.
I thank you for allowing me to grow.
To have placed these obstacles in front of me that you knew I could overcome.
I am she.
I smile /
I smile for many reasons.
I smile because I found my voice.
I smile because I was strong enough to let you go.
I smile because at the end of the day I am in charge of my own happiness.
I smile because I am learning to love my body with every little imperfection.
I smile because I can look at myself the mirror and see that I am beautiful
that I am love,
that I am unique.
I smile because I can find beauty in my internal scars.
I smile because I will never be no one other than myself.
I smile because I can now accept the girl I used to be.
I smile because I am free.
Finally, I am free.
And within , I smile /
-luisanna tejada