YNOT aka Anthony Avery

YNOT aka Anthony Avery

Written interview condensed for internet and print. Audio provided below. 

In June, I interviewed Anthony Avery aka ._YNOT. As he says he is an artist, son, and a honest person. And honestly that was the vibe I got from him the first time I met him. As a man who recently changed from one life goal to his real one, we have a lot to learn about how Freedom relates to his life and his story.   

Ines - Hand Model/Assistant

Steven Jones: What's today's date?

The Room: June 15th 2018

Steven Jones: State your full name? 

Tone: Anthony Avery, Oh God... I hate saying my full name

Steven Jones: Ha so going stop?

Anthony: I hate saying my full name. 

Ines: Why do you hate saying your full name? 

Tone: I don't know. Ever since I was young I've always gone by Tone or Tony. 

Steven Jones: 

Ines: Who are you? 

YNOT: That's a deep question. I am a producer. I'm a music lover. A son, nephew, brother. A lot of different things. 

Steven: If I was someone who didn't know you, what would you want them to know about you? 



A Jamaican born, African American, Lifestyle Fashion Photographer based in Washington D.C. I love to create art with my camera. It never leaves my side. I love to create art with my words. Love. Live. Beautifully.